
Essay examples
Essay topics

1 The Overlooked Role of Women and Children in Terrorism and Counter-terrorism

The Gendered Perspective: Neglecting Women in Terrorism Research Despite the clear involvement of women in terrorism and terror-related activities, international law response to terrorism has refused to consider the fact. Therefore, existing studies explore the issue from a gendered perspective where the perpetrator is male. The result is the experiences of women are excluded, which […]

2 Terrorism’s Invisible Threat: The Rise of Bio-Terrorism

These days, terrorism is the most serious problem in a harmonious society. It can be attacks on air travel, bio-terrorism, or assaults on symbolic sites. About these attacks from terrorism, I think bioterrorism is the most significant threat. Understanding Bioterrorism: Silent, Deadly, and Underestimated What is bio-terrorism? It is a planned release of infectious viruses […]

3 Digital Age Terrorism: Balancing Surveillance, Security, and Ethics

The Rise of Surveillance and Public Safety Street crime has drastically dropped as theft, drug trafficking, and street crime have lowered in places maintaining very large populations. While surveillance is seen as a negative, the idea of a constant security force does not limit criminal intent, regardless of ethics and morality. A lot could be […]

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4 Tackling Terrorism: The Ethical Dilemma of Torture

Defining Suspect, Torture, and Terrorism This is one of the social questions that are troubling security authorities in many nations countywide. To answer this question accurately, we must clarify the meanings of the three keywords: suspect, torture, and terrorist. Torture is the practice of inflicting severe pain on a person as a means of punishment […]

5 Understanding Terrorism: Evolving Threats, Definitions, and Counter-Measures

Dissecting the Definition: The Complex Nature of Terrorism First, terrorism is a growing problem that our world leaders have faced, particularly in the last thirty years since the 9/11 attacks. Over the years, a variety of governments and world powers have tried to agree on a singular way to define terrorism, but it is often […]