
Essay examples
Essay topics

1 Martin Luther’s Complex Views on Witches & Devil

Luther on the Devil’s Role in Society “Out of special hatred for our faith, the devil has sent some whores here to destroy our poor young men. Such syphilitic whore can poison ten, twenty, thirty, or more of the children of good people, and this is to be considered a murderer, or worse, as a […]

2 Empowering Girls: MLK’s Game-Changing Legacy

Here at Girls in the Game, it’s our mission to empower girls to be game changers. Our unique health, leadership, and sports-based programs are designed to encourage girls of all ages to boldly pursue their dreams. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the perfect example of a game changer who said, “I have a dream,” […]

3 Martin Luther: The Monk Who Challenged the Catholic Church’s Might

Martin Luther and the Battle Against Church Corruption Martin Luther, born in Germany in 1483, grew up to be a monk, priest, Theology professor, and an important figure in the protestant reformation movement. He originally became a monk because of his concern for salvation. This all led him to become a Theology professor, and through […]

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4 Martin Luther King and Shirley Chisholm: Exposing the True Costs of War

Throughout U.S. history, there have been many ordeals to take place outside the U.S.A’s jurisdiction. When situations occur outside the U.S., many would assume that the U.S.’s involvement would be at a staggering zero percent. Unfortunately, most times, when things do happen outside the American borders, the U.S. is one of the first countries to […]

5 Deciphering the ‘Heart of Darkness’: Conrad’s Puzzling Tale

The prevailing certainty that has arisen from over a century of contextual analysis is that no unanimous conviction exists when interpreting Conrad’s novella. Just as language and culture have adapted with time, so too, Heart of Darkness has found no immunity against the perpetual justification for societal scrutiny and elucidation. Here, deconstruction and Marxism tackle […]

6 Unraveling the “Heart of Darkness”: The Racism Fueling European Colonialism

Marlow’s Glimpse: Brutality in the Congo In Heart of Darkness, author Joseph Conrad portrays the systematic racism that drove European Colonialism of Africa, as any individual sympathizing with African humanity is discarded by the colonizers. Marlow, a retired colonizer, recounts his experience in the Belgian Congo while in the employ of the Company, a European […]

7 Over Criminalization of Black Lives Matter: Impact of Political Policies

Black Lives Matter: The Over-Criminalization of Black Individuals In recent years there has been a lot of scrutiny about the injustices that exist in the justice system; one of the major injustices is the over-criminalization of black men and women. Black men are six times more likely to get incarcerated in federal and state prisons […]

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