Gun Control

Essay examples
Essay topics

1 The Urgent Need to Address Gun Violence Through Comprehensive Gun Control

Introduction There are many reasons why guns hold so much weight in our world and why they are such a big deal, “what kind of guns should be available for sale to the public?” “who should be allowed to buy them?” “where can they be carried?”. These questions create the debate about gun control, which […]

2 Balancing Act: Exploring Gun Control in Texas Amid Rising Gun Violence

Introduction Gun control is a very controversial topic these days. Throughout the years, gun violence has increased dramatically, leading up to serval firearm deaths and injuries and causing danger in Texas. In Texas, the gun law only requires an individual to be at least 18 years old to purchase a rifle, shotgun, ammunition, or any […]

3 U.S. Gun Control: History, Policy, and Societal Impact

U.S. Gun Crisis: A Glimpse It’s no secret that gun control is a major issue and causes severe consequences. Gun violence is becoming more common and causes a high number of deaths nationwide. The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, or about 270,000,000 guns, which is the highest total number in the world […]

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4 Historical & Modern Views: Evaluating Gun Control Research

Gun Control: A Dual Perspective What are gun arguments all about? They are mainly about the pros and cons of handling a gun. Guns are weapons that are neither good nor bad; it just depends on who is controlling them. Gun control has been an ongoing issue for several years. There have been so many […]

5 2nd Amendment: Guns, Public Safety & US Society

U.S. Gun Control Dilemma Gun Control is one of the main issues in the United States, which should be a major topic that should be discussed and taken care of. While America does have a large number of gun-related violence, these incidents are still a very low volume to the US population. Gun control is […]

6 Gun-Control: Balancing U.S. Individual Rights & Public Safety

U.S. Gun Debate Intensifies What can people do about guns? ‘The debate over U.S. gun laws has raged for decades, often reigniting after high-profile mass shootings’ (Masters). People in favor of gun control believe that guns should be banned as they cause mass killings and other firearm-related deaths. They believe that gun control would stop […]