Gender Pay Gap

Essay examples
Essay topics

1 Exploring the Gender Pay Gap: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Introduction to the Gender Pay Gap: Understanding its basis and significance Pay inequality in the workplace, or what is also known as the gender pay gap, is generally the comparative measure of looking at the position of a woman in the workforce in terms of what she earns for a particular job. There has been […]

2 Unraveling the Complex Roots of the Gender Pay Gap in Modern Society

In the 1920s, women earned the right to vote. In the 1960s, women entered the workforce. In the 1970s, women had Roe vs. Wade passed. It’s 2017, and yet women still don’t get paid the same amount as men. The gender wage gap is a blatant act of sexism in which women get paid 80 […]

3 Tackling the Gender Pay Gap: A Fight for Equality and Fairness

Currently, female employees make 18% less per hour and 36% less per week than their comparable male colleagues, and, astoundingly, in many companies, there is also a bonus pattern that favors men. This is simply not acceptable. Women have the right to be paid equally to their male colleagues. The fact that there is a […]

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4 Unraveling the Mysteries of the Gender Pay Gap in the Modern Workforce

The gender wage gap has been, and still is, a persisting problem in the workforce. At this point in society, it is common knowledge that, on average, men have higher earnings than their women counterparts. A few studies are dissected and explained in this paper, showing why and how the wage gap even exists. The […]

5 The Illusory Gender Pay Gap in Political Knowledge

The Gender Pay Gap Debate: Why Women Prefer “Don’t Know” The Public’s general assumption is that most people don’t know much about politics. Much of prior research concludes that men know more about politics than women. Is the gender gap real? The two assigned articles are essentially the same: they wanted to find out if […]