
Essay examples
Essay topics

1 Empowering Girls: MLK’s Game-Changing Legacy

Here at Girls in the Game, it’s our mission to empower girls to be game changers. Our unique health, leadership, and sports-based programs are designed to encourage girls of all ages to boldly pursue their dreams. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the perfect example of a game changer who said, “I have a dream,” […]

2 Feminism Unraveled: Misconceptions and Global Female Experiences

Feminism Through the Ages: From Suffrage to Modern Misconceptions It started with the first wave of feminism—which began in the 18th century—and followed into the 20th. The first wave focused mainly on women having the right to vote. Women all over the Western world protested, holding up signs and demanding the right to vote. Then […]

3 Feminism Defined: Intersectionality and Global Equality

Feminism’s Layers: Kimberle Crenshaw, Intersectionality, and the Complex Tapestry of Female Experience When Kimberle Crenshaw first coined the term intersectionality, her purpose was to bridge the gaps that so many people failed to recognize. She did it for her race, her gender, and for those like her who so heavily shared her insurmountable need for […]

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4 Unraveling the “Heart of Darkness”: The Racism Fueling European Colonialism

Marlow’s Glimpse: Brutality in the Congo In Heart of Darkness, author Joseph Conrad portrays the systematic racism that drove European Colonialism of Africa, as any individual sympathizing with African humanity is discarded by the colonizers. Marlow, a retired colonizer, recounts his experience in the Belgian Congo while in the employ of the Company, a European […]

5 Feminism: Unraveling Misconceptions and Advocating for Universal Humanity

Challenging Patriarchy: The Undying Echoes of Gender Inequities BS IT- 2 A Story Like Mine by Halsey and We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie are both living testimonies of the struggles that minorities, such as females, undergo in every part of the world. These stories are dying to be heard. We need […]

6 Feminism: Debunking Myths and Embracing Legacy

1917: A Pivotal Moment in Feminism and the Indomitable Spirit of Alice Paul 1917. The days are shorter, and the nights are longer; the year is approaching its final month of fall in November as winter creeps in, making room for December to start in Washington, D.C. The district is in constant motion; public transit […]

7 Exploring the Gender Pay Gap: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Introduction to the Gender Pay Gap: Understanding its basis and significance Pay inequality in the workplace, or what is also known as the gender pay gap, is generally the comparative measure of looking at the position of a woman in the workforce in terms of what she earns for a particular job. There has been […]

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